My review of That Touch of Ink by Diane Vallere

That Touch of Ink | A Mad for Mod Mystery
Publication date: July 30, 2013
Trade Paperback $14.95 | eBook $2.99
286 Pages

diane vallereAuthor Bio

Diane Vallere lives in a world where popcorn is a breakfast food and Doris Day movies are revered for their cultural significance. After over twenty years in the fashion industry, she now writes full time from her home in Los Angeles, California. She launched her own detective agency at ten years old and has maintained a passion for shoes, clues, and clothes ever since.


Second book in the Mad for Mod Mystery Series featuring amateur sleuth Madison Night and her interest in all things Doris Day.

When interior decorator Madison Night receives a five thousand dollar bill in the mail, she knows it’s a message from her past. But when she discovers a corpse while trying to learn of the bill’s value, Madison suspects her former lover wants more than a reconciliation. His actions belie his intentions, and even a gallon of daisy yellow paint can’t hide the writing on the wall. Madison follows a circuit of rare dollars and common sense and discovers a counterfeit operation, a jealous lover, and the true value of her independence.

My review

doris day

Madison Night is a Doris Day look alike who accentuates that by dressing in retro clothes. So refreshing to have a female protagonist that wears ballet flats instead of high heels. And for those of you too young to remember, I have a picture of Doris Day so now you know what Madison looks like. This is a well written mystery with very well developed characters. Madison receives a James Madison $5000 bill in the mail that is worth $100,000 and that delivery is followed by the arrival of former lover, Brad Turlington. Quickly Madison finds a dead body and is plunged into the dangerous world of5000f counterfeiting. The stakes rise when her friend ends up in the hospital following  brake failure while she is driving Madison’s car. Madison is also confused about her feelings for the two men in her new life in Dallas, Tex and Hudson – made more confusing by the reappearance of Brad. I missed the first book in this series but I plan to go back and read that as well as all of Ms. Vallere’s other books. A very satisfying read. ♥♥♥♥

You can read chapter one here. Or buy the book here.

Links for Diane

Published by Kate Eileen Shannon

Artist, Crafter, Writer, purveyor of ephemera and bagatelle™

One thought on “My review of That Touch of Ink by Diane Vallere

  1. Hi – just read your review and it sounded so good I bought the book [?] Thanks, Mike


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