A bacon bouquet. Picture from The Wall Street Journal.
A bacon bouquet. Picture from The Wall Street Journal.

As far as I am concerned, you either like bacon or you are wrong. Period. End of discussion. I know vegetarians

Of course they have chocolate covered bacon for dessert.
Of course they have chocolate covered bacon for dessert.

and Jews and even Jewish vegetarians who eat bacon on the down low. So I was very surprised to read this article in The Wall Street Journal about a place called Bacon Bacon in Haight-Ashbury that was shut down because some neighbors complained about the smell of bacon. Seriously? And don’t give me the BS that it is different in high concentration and with left over byproduct. I used to live next door to a diner. The exhaust on the back of the building was aimed at my yard. The only thing wrong with the smell is your mouth is constantly watering. I guess they started as a food truck (and were featured on United States of Bacon) before they opened the café in the Haight. This is Haight-Ashbury for crying out loud. You don’t mind the smell of weed but you can’t handle the smell of bacon? Come to think of it, with all that weed, don’t you need bacon? A couple of obnoxious neighbors complain and the city shuts them down. Fortunately bacon lovers outnumber the haters. Probably by a ratio of a million to one. The closure even made SNL’s weekend update back in May. On Thursday, in a well attended meeting with the city, bacon won. Bacon Bacon will be reopening. It is good to know that in a country where we have had our cigarettes taken away in public, we are pariahs for drinking our large sugary colas, and all other manners of

Grilled Cheese. From Bacon Bacon's menu. Bread spread with bacon jam then add bacon, shredded cheese and grill.
Grilled Cheese. From Bacon Bacon’s menu. Bread spread with bacon jam then add bacon, shredded cheese and grill.

suppression, you can still have bacon jam on your bacon grilled cheese. Oh that sounds so good! Check out their Facebook page and go drool over their menu at the truck. I know what ingredient will be involved  in supper at our house tonight.


Published by Kate Eileen Shannon

Artist, Crafter, Writer, purveyor of ephemera and bagatelle™

6 thoughts on “BACON BACON

  1. Yikes! I guess I’m a hater! I’m Muslim so we grew up not eating it. It’s definitely not one of my favorite smells, but the worst place for it is next to medical office! My office is right above the cafe downstairs and my patients can smell it the first half of the morning!!


    1. Actually it is one of the few times I eat meat, to be honest. Your patients must leave hungry! I used to work next to a Burger King and even if I would rarely eat anything from there, and knew it didn’t taste good, it smelled so good we were all always hungry.


  2. ha ha I am not a huge lover of bacon (I don’t crave it) but I sometimes have it when we have breakfast out. Which is perfect timing as I am just commenting here and then heading out for breakfast (it is Sunday Morning in Australia). So now I am a little hungry! 0


  3. I was a vegetarian, though I’m now a pescatarian, so it’s a long while since I’ve eaten bacon. I have to admit that the smell of bacon cooking definitely makes my mouth water! I’m pleased to hear that Bacon Bacon is now re-opening, even though I won’t be going there!


  4. I LOVE bacon! I find it hard to believe that some people don’t like it. Bacon + Chocolate = Heaven! Ever have bacon-covered chocolate? Wonderful!


  5. I’m a holistic nutritionist and even though I’m SUPPOSED to tell everyone NOT to eat bacon, I don’t. Because that would be wrong and soul-crushing. I’m really picky about my bacon sources. For example, we have access here to beautiful, naturally-raised, heritage pig bacon that I’m fortunate enough to buy and eat. And bacon can also be good for you: I was a vegetarian for 20 years and the ONLY thing I really missed was bacon. I can tell you this is the case with 99% of vegetarians – though they likely won’t admit it. Haha. Nice to see you on UBC. 🙂


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