And the winners are…

Drum roll please…

winners are

My blog tour with Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours is done. I want to thank Lori Caswell who works so very hard putting these tours together. And thank you so much to all the tour hosts and to all the readers who followed the tour.

Since Price Waterhouse was unavailable, I put all the emails on slips of paper and had my husband do the draw. Some people commented at every stop which got them multiple entries.

dick draws winner

I’ll have you know that bowl is a Charles Sharrod Partin original that the real Brigid Kildare, after whom the character was named, bought me for my birthday many moons ago. So nothing but the best was used for this drawing LOL

The five winners of a paperback copy of SOCIAL INSECURITY  are:

pile of books for drawMichelle Fidler

Donna Durnell

Nora-Adrienne Deret

Christy Maurer

Nancy Hill Bradford

You should all have your books within a couple of days. Thanks to everybody who participated and there is one more winner to announce…

winner is

The winner of my have a character named after you contest is:

Andrea Stoeckel

Andrea will be appearing early on in MEDITATED MURDER when she steps forward to give Brigid and Earl the first clue. The real Andrea will receive a copy of SOCIAL INSECURITY and MEDITATED MURDER.

Congratulations to all, thanks for all the support and kind words.

Published by Kate Eileen Shannon

Artist, Crafter, Writer, purveyor of ephemera and bagatelle™